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What Are the Details That You Should Know About the CrossfitExcercizes


When doing grip exercises, the muscles have a unique muscle fiber orientation that is not completely horizontal or completely vertical; instead, they have a good diagonal muscle fiber orientation for pulling both vertically and horizontally. To maximize cardiovascular development, it is better to pull vertically (push-ups, chokes, etc.) and horizontally with rowing variations for maximum hypertrophy; Then, when paddling with volume and load, you will develop to the maximum the thickness of the discs.


Concretely, CrossFitexecises is practiced in the form of a circuit, with no defined rest time. It is made up of a mixture of various sports: athletics, bodybuilding, fitness, gymnastics and weightlifting. Add to that a wide variety of equipment (medicine ball, jump rope, Kettlebells, tire, barbell, dumbbells) and bodyweight exercises.


This sport aims to work on all of the following physical qualities:


  1. the agility
  2. the power
  3. the balance
  4. speed
  5. the precision
  6. endurance
  7. resistance
  8. the coordination
  9. flexibility
  10. strength


The variety of style and the Best Crossfit Exercises offer an endless combination of training. The intensity of the training gives rise to impressive physical changes, even if the main objective remains the physical condition.


>CrossFit, for whom?


This practice is especially suitable for people who are already in good physical condition . Indeed, a total beginner will rather have an interest in starting their sport ascent by getting back into shape. Even if the CrossFit adapts to many profiles, this practice aims for a high intensity during exercise.


However, there are fitness variants that will satisfy the greatest number while retaining the fun aspect. Others will find in CrossFit an activity complementary to their main sport.


Some popular CrossFit exercises


1) The burpees


This is an exercise that works the whole body. There are different variations, but here is the most common one. If conventional pumps are too difficult, you can do them on your knees.


2) Box jump


Here, you have to jump on a 60 cm high box. If this exercise is too hard, reduce the height of the box or climb on it one leg after the other (like climbing the stairs).


3) Double unders


Your years spent on the skipping rope will not have been in vain. CrossFit uses this exercise a lot, and more specifically the double jump, which consists in passing the rope twice under the feet during a single jump. The English term "under" means "under".


4) Toe to bar


Stretched arm hanging from a bar ("bar" in English), throw your feet up to the latter! The English word "toe" means "toe" or "toe".


5) The Swing


Already much more technical, this exercise mobilizes all the abdominal training using the "kettle bell". Good learning is necessary before setting off on an adventure with this exercise.


Dominated, muscle up and others


In addition to the aforementioned movements, you can work your arms intensely, mobilizing only our body weight as in the following exercises:


Pull ups or dominated : they are an intense movement that in Crossfit could not be missing, because in addition to working back requests muscles of the arms and shoulders strengthening them very effectively. A variant widely used in Crossfit is the one dominated in L that also works our arms.


Muscle up : its execution involves muscles of the middle area of ​​the body as well as pectorals, and arms, specifically biceps, triceps and brachii. You can do it in fixed bar or in rings for greater intensity.


Walk on hands or handstand walk : if you want true intensity this is the Crossfit exercise that will put us to the test because the weight of the whole body against gravity will be sustained and will be mobilized through the muscles of our arms. Not suitable for beginners!


Ring dips or ring bottoms :a very intense variant to the classic triceps fund that allows this muscle to be isolated from the arms and work it in instability, demanding it greatly.

These are the best Crossfit exercises to effectively strengthen your arms while also gaining strength, stupidity and working your middle or core zone.